For donors in the US, UK, Australia and Netherlands we recommend using the Giving What We Can donation platform to support many of the high-impact charitable projects and grant making funds we recommend.
Giving What We Can works with our funding partners who are registered as charities in their country which means that donors in their country can make donations in a way that is tax-effective and eligible for the full benefits applicable by law.
Giving What We Can is operated by Effective Ventures Foundation (UK), a charity in England and Wales (with registered charity number 1149828 and registered company number 07962181). Donations in the UK are eligible for Gift Aid, tax deductible for UK donors, and subject to UK tax laws.
Giving What We Can USA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization in the US (EIN 93-3629215). Donations in the US are tax deductible for US donors, and subject to US tax laws.
Giving What We Can is operated by Effective Ventures Foundation (UK), a Public Benefit Organization (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, or ANBI) in the Netherlands (with registration number 825776867). Donations in the Netherlands are tax deductible to the extent permitted by Dutch tax laws.
Extra tax benefits are possible if your donation is recorded in a periodic gift agreement and you donate the same amount for at least 5 years.
In Australia Giving What We Can is operated by Effective Altruism Australia (ABN 87 608 863 467) and Effective Altruism Australia: Environment (ABN 57 659 447 417). Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia.
Donate Learn more
Many of our recommendations can be supported through donations to one of the many effective giving fundraising organisations that operate around the world.
We encourage you to maximise your tax benefits where possible, but to always keep the focus on impact. Learn more about balancing impact and tax benefits.